Tuesday, October 07, 2008

It's My Birthday, My Birthday...

It was my birthday this past Sunday, and it was nice. Got to just hang out with Ash and Emmett, and we went to Outback for dinner and I finally satisfied my irrational, yet surprisingly consistent, semi-annual craving for a bloomin' onion. Unfortunately they make those things for like 4 people, so after about a third I start to get nauseous. Why do they always ask you if you want a box for it? Sorry, but no one is taking home a bloomin' onion. That's gross. Try warming that up tomorrow and let me know how that works out for ya.

I also splurged and got a glass of sweat tea. A glass and a half in, and I take a sip and my mouth feels like when I dive into Crystal Lake and graze the bottom with my mouth open. I look at the glass, and there's a quarter-inch of sugar at the bottom. I have never seen that before. Oddly enough, it wasn't even good sweat tea.

All day I couldn't get this out of my head:


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mojo. LMB!

Brian in Real Life, Mojo on the Xbox said...

You wish, Hawk. o_0

Unknown said...

Happy late Birthday Mojo!
BTW have you had Bojangles sweet tea? I don't like any sweet tea, tastes the same as the sugar water I give my humming birds, but my wife loves the stuff. She says bo's is the best around, o and I do like there Boberry Biscuits...

lieslkard said...

Happy belated, Bri!
(BTW, I just heard of Boberry Biscuits on my recent trip to TN. My sister-in-law makes a great variation using Jiffy mix and blueberries. Definitely worth trying.)

Campbell Walker Family said...

Hey, does it count that Scott and I said "Happy Birthday B!" on your birthday but you were not here to hear it? HB to Y, HB to Y, HB dear B, HB to Y! Love, Cass & Scott