Sunday, April 15, 2007

On a Whole New Level of Sore

So, I've been driving my wife nuts the last three going to bed at the same time she does. Boy she hates that. Normally I stay up a couple hours later than she does playing xbox, but Friday I had a breakfast meeting and then an all-day charity tennis event sponsored by ... ahem ... my employer, so I thought I'd crash early Thursday night. Friday night I was so dead tired after the tennis thing that I crashed. Saturday morning I had a tennis match, mowed the lawn, then Ash and I went to the ATL for dinner with her family. We got back late Saturday night, so for the 3rd night in a row, I was asleep by 11:00pm.

I have never been so all-over-sore as I have the last 2 days. My quads, ass, back, neck, arms, abs, you name it. Sore as anything. I could barely get up off the couch yesterday, or in and out of my car. I guess there's a downside to having a big ole' SUV. Well, that and $3 a gallon.

Saw the movie Stranger Than Fiction last Friday. Ash and I liked it; I'll pretty much watch anything with Maggie Gyllenhaal or Emma Thompson, let alone both in one movie. It was like Nerd Heaven!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I'd have to say that I am in agreement with Ashley; Jeff always stays up to watch soccer or movies and I don't think I could fall asleep if he went to bed at the same time as me. Weird the things that a body gets used to.
Oh, and sorry to hear about the sore . . .