Thursday, February 28, 2008


OK, OK. I give. If the fans want more blog, well then, I guess I can prolong the death of this one at least a little longer.

Next, they'll want cake. Anarchy!

Here are some updated pics of Emmett. For the prior albums, you can always click on the "Brian's Public Gallery" link at the top. Feel free to explore, Dora.

So, here's some of the highlights of what's been happening in the PalmerRaineyan house:
  • I watched Em by myself quite a bit this weekend. I survived. The long-lasting impact on Emmett's life remains to be seen. He is being monitored for laziness, fast-food cravings, and twitch reflexes that will tell if he has been over-exposed.
  • We finally closed on the house in Columbus. Rawk.
  • We watched the movie Once, and liked it. I bought Ash the soundtrack.
  • We got crap reception with Verizon, so we switched to AT&T. I got an iPhone, and I'm loving it so far. When we decide we are keeping AT&T for real, we'll send out new digits.
  • Ash is addicted to nonograms, after I bought her Picross for the DS for Christmas. You can try a few yourself here.
  • I am still addicted to oGame.
We need ideas for good movies to rent. The writer's strike couldn't have come at a worse time. With Emmett here are watching more TV than ever, and even with Tivo suggestions that are recorded, we are running out of stuff to watch at 3 in the morning while one of us is up with the little man, bouncing on an exercise ball, trying to get him to go to sleeeeeeeep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hate you....I have been playing nonograms for 10 min and I am addicted....

Nice of you to update this more then once a year... O wait.... :)
